Student leadership positions for 2024 were announced last week at Presentation Evening. Congratulations to the Middle School and Senior leaders who will serve the wider Mueller community next year as captains and prefects!

2024 Middle School Leaders

Middle School Captains: Charlotte Bird and Oliver Duell

Academic Prefects: Faith Hickey and Liam Clarke

Discipleship Prefect: Miriama Pauga

Primary Prefects: Lydia Young and Lucas Langford

Service Prefects: MJ Gutierrez and Amelia Davis

Sports Prefects: Annaliese Taylor and Ezekiel McKenzie

Worship Prefect: Charli Meinel


2024 Senior School Leaders

School Captains: Ariana Rodriguez & Kody Hockey

Academic Prefects: Ryan Smedley & Imogen Harris

Arts Prefect: Sophie Slade

Worship Prefects: Amelia Tahere & Maddison Coulsen

Discipleship Prefect: Bethany Tan

Primary Prefects: Gen Dunstan & Liam Mills

Sport Prefects: Sophie Holloway & Bodhi Wallen

Service Prefects: Isabelle White & Miranda Thorne