What Parents Want

Why did you send your child to an independent school and how is Mueller College different from the others? This is a critical question many of you faced before deciding on Mueller College as your school of choice.

We want to find out what’s important to Mueller College parents. What Parents Want – an Independent Schools Queensland Survey examines the decision-making process parents undertake when choosing a school, including:

  • cultural influences,
  • varying sources of information, and;
  • the relative importance of a myriad of factors that can guide school choice.

We urge all parents of Prep, Year 7 and new students to complete this valuable survey. It should take approximately 15-20 minutes.

Click here to take the survey

It is of great importance that we as a school understand how and why parents make such a decision. The results will provide a framework for Mueller College to continue to meet the needs of our parents, while giving a strong basis on which to formulate strategy and decision-making in the future.