Protective Factors (the things that help us)

A good question that we might ask ourselves and reflect on is something like, “What positive characteristics and strengths have developed in me that might not have developed if I’d had an easier life journey?” Researchers have identified certain qualities and factors that are known to help people ‘bounce back’.  These are called protective factors. We all have our own personal or protective factors and it’s helpful to identify our particular patterns of bouncing back. Nan Henderson in “The Resiliency Workbook”[i] has identified quite a number of personal resiliency factors. No one has all of these characteristics, but we all have some of them. (The following list is not extensive)

They include the following:

  • Spirituality – personal faith
  • Relationships – being social, and able to be a friend
  • Service/Helpfulness
  • Life Skills – these might include good decision making, problem solving, impulse control, assertiveness etc.
  • Humour – Has a good sense of humour, and able to laugh at difficult situations
  • Inner Direction – bases choices/decisions on internal evaluation
  • Perceptiveness – Insightful understanding of people and situations.
  • Independence – able to go your own way when you know it’s the right way for you.
  • Positive View (Optimistic) of personal future.
  • Flexibility – Can adjust to change and cope with situations
  • Love of Learning
  • Self-motivation
  • Competence – Is good at ‘something’
  • Self-worth – feelings of self-worth and self-confidence.
  • Perseverance – Keeps on despite facing difficulty
  • Creativity.

Further questions we might ask ourselves and reflect on:

  • How have I done as well as I’ve done?
  • What challenges have I faced and overcome?
  • What did I do?
  • Look at the above list and pick the top 3 or 4 you use.
  • Think how you might apply them now.

We can work through the same ideas with our children when they’ve face tough situations.

[i] Nan Henderson (2012). P16. The Resiliency Workbook: Bounce Back Stronger, Smarter & With Real Self-Esteem.