Congratulations to Elias Buchanan for receiving a $1000 scholarship from Official Schoolwear this week!

At Official Schoolwear we have always been a dream based company and this is based on the life philosophy of the founding father of Official Schoolwear, Barry Claude Berghan. Barry believes that it is critical for everyone to have a dream in their lives and that without a vision, the people perish. He also believes that all children deserve an equal opportunity in life, because everyone is equal.

It is these two founding pillars and wanting to see all children succeed that drive our company’s philosophy of ‘resources for children to achieve their dreams’. This inspiration is what gave birth to our Scholarships for Dreams campaign. What we hope is that children will focus on the good in their lives and their futures and this competition will motivate them to move forward in a positive direction.

Barry Berghan was a  man of faith, who gave everything they had away, and the family now have this company, Official Schoolwear, who want their profits to build dreams and directly impact children lives. Initially when Scholarship for Dreams started, the company were giving $500, however God has blessed them with enough to now give $1000.

For more information on Official Schoolwear or their Scholarship for Dreams program head to their website.