Jenny Billingham

--Jenny Billingham

About Jenny Billingham

Mueller Community Church Counsellor, Jenny Billingham is available for parents, families, students and staff at Mueller College. All of us face challenges that we struggle to make sense of. Life changes, transitions and loss can leave us feeling isolated. Loss isn’t just losing someone close. It can include loss of a relationship, job, health, home, dreams and expectations to name a few. Stress, anxiety, family problems, decision making, and concerns about work are a few of the issues people face. Counselling allows a safe place to voice your thoughts, fears and feelings. Voicing them aloud to another person helps you make sense of them, enabling you to see things from a different perspective. Friends and family members can be a great support to us, but may be unable to provide an objective point of view. A counsellor won’t tell you what to do, but may help you consider choices, decisions and changes to enable you to live your life more fully. Counselling doesn’t need to be long-term – in fact a single session may be all that’s needed. Sometimes, though, more is needed over a period of weeks or months. Counselling can assist you to journey towards change and growth in the life challenges you face. Phone 3897 2706 or 0427 876 396 for an appointment. (Please leave a message if the phone is unattended and your call will be returned at the earliest convenience). Respect and confidentiality are always assured. Jenny Billingham (MCouns, Grad.Cert. Bereavement Counselling & Interventions, DipMin, Dip Couns, Cert IV TAE)

Our True Value

Last week, we were reminded by Mr Valese that “God doesn’t make junk” and that every single person is a valuable human being. We know that many of our children and teens don’t see themselves that way, so how might we best support them in valuing themselves in healthy ways?

By |2019-02-27T10:01:20+10:00February 27th, 2019|Mueller Community Church|

Starting Well

Welcome to the start of the 2019 school year. For some students, it’s a return to the comfort and normality of their regular school routine; a time to catch up with old friends, while looking forward to the excitement of new classes, new teachers and new learning.

By |2019-01-30T08:02:02+10:00January 29th, 2019|Mueller Community Church|

Finishing 2018 Well

One of the things that continually fascinates me is the interconnection between body, soul and spirit. If we want to live well-balanced lives, we, and our children need to nurture and be nurtured in each of these areas. My own children are all adults now and one thing I can vouch for is that childhood passes very quickly. 

By |2018-11-27T15:23:45+10:00November 27th, 2018|Mueller Community Church|

Dashed Expectations

For some school-leavers (and their parents) the next few weeks will be a tense time as they await their OP results. Some will have planned what they want to do for a career and know exactly what OP they need to gain entrance to a specific course. After that, comes the wait to find out which course they’ve been accepted into. Tense times, indeed for some.

By |2018-11-20T10:44:39+10:00November 20th, 2018|Mueller Community Church|

Transitioning To A New Season Of Life

This Friday marks a very special day for our graduating year 12 students. Having spent more than 2/3 of their young lives at school, on Friday, they say farewell and start the transition to the next season of life. Like all changes, there are multiple sides. Change can be exciting, scary and stressful at the same time. As they wait to hear news of their future options, some may start to feel quite stressed.

By |2018-11-13T10:25:54+10:00November 13th, 2018|Mueller Community Church|


If I were to conduct a poll among parents about how they’re feeling today, I suspect I would have more than one person tell me they were feeling overwhelmed, stressed, tense, anxious or even drowning in all the things currently happening in life. Some might say they feel scattered, fragmented, torn in several directions at once, have too much to deal with or that everything is just too hard. 

By |2018-11-06T15:50:35+10:00November 6th, 2018|Mueller Community Church|

Supporting A Grieving Friend

When a person loses somebody close to them, friends may be unsure of how best to respond or help their friend. Most people don’t need professional help when grieving, but the love and support of good family and friends is valuable. Don’t be afraid of crying with your friend, you won’t upset him/her because they’re already upset. Your presence, love, practical support, listening ear are the most precious gifts you can give.

By |2018-10-30T11:11:45+10:00October 30th, 2018|Mueller Community Church|