Most students are currently in the middle of completing assignments and exams, especially the Year Twelve students who are experiencing a particularly busy time at the moment. This is a serious time of the year and we highly value the important work that students do in each of their subjects. Whilst there are no report cards this term, the results students achieve up to the end of Term Three will complete the data used for determining award winners at Presentation Night in October. Celebrating the diverse and noteworthy achievements of Mueller students is very important and also gives students something to aspire to. The criteria for the academic awards for Presentation Night are now available on Mueller Connect.

Whilst the important academic work is crucial to student learning, schools are about more than just exams. Some of the great memories of school, moments which people treasure are of the camps and activities undertaken with their school mates. September is certainly the month for that! The Year 4’s have been on camp, the Year 6’s are off to Melbourne & Canberra, the Senior basketball teams compete in the State Championships, the Year 12 Rec students are camping at Mt Barney,  and Secondary students are heading to New Zealand for a ski trip and to Dallas, Texas for the US homestay trip. These are exciting opportunities for Mueller students to see and experience new things and to meet new people. Whilst learning core skills of literacy and numeracy are of vital importance, these experiences inspire and educate students in a whole new way.

The opportunity to be in community with one another and share life experiences is what grows us and develops our character. Mr Brynley Sadler shared in Middle School Chapel last week about the importance of friendship and as Proverbs 27:17 says “as iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” As students get to live in the close community of a camp they depend on one another, challenge one another, support one another and be gracious towards one another. We are blessed with a great community at Mueller and it all starts with being a good friend towards one another.

I wish the students all the best for their assessment and for those who are off on camps or trips, have a great time and we are praying for your safety and that God will bless your time away together.


Week 9 // News and Updates