What is Move for Life: The Move for Life Program for over 50’s, is a fun and social opportunity that aims to help you improve mobility, strength, balance and flexibility as well as general coordination. The activities can be catered to individual needs and tailored to a variety of levels and mobility.

Peninsula Palms Retirement Village is having a qualified trainer from Redcliffe PCYC, run a fun and interactive class for all activity levels. Most activities will be done sitting down, which will assist with people becoming more involved and moving as much as possible.

Classes run for approximately 30 mins to one hour depending on participants needs and abilities.

At this time we’re excited to be able to offer the program at NO COST, thanks to the generous support of Unity Water.

Katie, our qualified trainer will be starting classes on Monday, July 16 at 9am.

If you are interested in joining us, please drop into Peninsula Palms Reception to register and grab a PCYC Membership form & Pre-Exercise Questionnaire. Both these forms need to be pre-filled prior to attending the class.

Information on the Pre-Exercise Questionnaire is chiefly for medical purposes only. Please note, if you tick ‘Yes’ to any questions you will need to seek medical clearance from your Doctor/GP for approval before you can participate.