As we near the midpoint of the year, we find like minds in our community that have a deep appreciation for the efforts and challenges involved in education and personal growth. So many of us find strength and purpose in family, faith, and the everyday blessings around us, but on those evenings when the fatigue threatens to swallow us up do you every hear yourself ask, “is it all worth it?”

Let me say, it’s a resounding YES!

Yes, it certainly is! As I spoke with my adult children over the Mother’s Day weekend and, in turn, took my own mother out for lunch, I was struck by the reality that we don’t end up with peaceful and blessed lives just because we want them. Ultimately, every good and perfect thing certainly comes from ABOVE, but there is a harvest so rich and deep that we reap if we simply stay the course. Day in and day out, holding fast to what we know is right, serving and loving our families, encouraging our friends and colleagues, and delighting in the small blessings God showers us with every day, is a sure path to full blessing.

On campus, students are putting on game faces as they battle with their assessments. As you and your family navigate through this busy time, remember to take moments to care for yourself and find balance amidst the rigors of work and responsibilities. It’s important to nurture your own well-being, demonstrating to our kids the importance of looking after ourselves and each other.

Self-care doesn’t have to be too fancy. Whether it’s flipping through travel magazines planning your next getaway, spending time in nature, or simply enjoying a quiet moment of reflection, these small moments can help recharge your spirit and energize you for the journey ahead. Sometimes, when we deliberately stop to smell the roses, our God whispers the encouragement we need to hear to empower us to continue on.

Challenges and setbacks are a natural part of growth and learning. Embrace them as opportunities for growth. A positive outlook and unwavering faith will guide you through any storm that comes your way.

We pray that you find strength from Above as you work hard this week. It is worth it. Your reward is on its way.

Sue Norford

Term 2 News