God is still in Control

I have been encouraged lately by the number of emails received with regards the way we are handling the current Covid-19 situation. Parents have expressed they appreciate the calmness we have approached the issue.

The reason we can respond to any crisis calmly is because we believe God is still in control.

The Bible speaks of God as our refuge in times of trouble, we are not to fear, be dismayed or to be anxious. When you are in a position of humble submission to God, you can rest calmly in knowing that he is still ruling over all things in the universe.

In Luke chapter 12, there is a short passage where Luke explains that the birds of the air are provided for by God. How much more valuable are you than a sparrow! We often talk to your children about ‘God doesn’t make junk’. You are created in His image. When we approach the current crisis from the position of submission to God’s sovereignty, we are not to be anxious.

This doesn’t mean we will find toilet paper on the shelf! We still face trials. The reality is however, that long before we ran out of toilet paper – God was in control and long after the shelves are stocked again – God will still be in control.

My emails lately have said – ‘the order of the day is hygiene and calmness’, however God says – Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Paul Valese


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