There was an air of excitement in the Prep area on Monday morning as the cohort finally began their journey into school life. The students made themselves at home in the classrooms, got to know their teachers, and were introduced to the rhythms of a day at school. ‘Listening with your whole body’ was first on the agenda in most classes as they navigated time on the carpet reading stories and receiving instructions.

At 12:30pm one preppie could be heard announcing, ‘I’m ready to go home now’ to his teacher aide. Instead, he joined his classmates to make ‘first day at Prep’ crowns and then gleefully spilled out into the courtyard to curiously explore the playground over lunch break.

After their play, the preppies had a quiet rest time before Mum’s and Dad’s arrived to hear all about their big day. Teachers and parents will no doubt have a smile over the coming week as the students realize this is their new 5-day-a-week reality.

We can’t wait to see where their school adventures take them!