After a long hiatus due to health restrictions, students have once again returned to Chapel on a Friday. This week the Primary Worship Band took to the platform to lead praise and worship for the first time. Some of them have only been playing their instrument since the start of the year!

Mr K caused a ruckus when he incited a large-scale game of hide-and-seek by sending the Year 6 teachers off to hide somewhere in the room. Mr Johnson came out the victor after squirreling away under the stage! Mrs Kusic then caught the attention of the room to teach the students about Zacchaeus and the grace Jesus extended him. The group then gave an offering that will go towards flood relief efforts, and students were excited to learn they had already given over $240 so far.

Secondary Chapel had acoustic-style worship this week before Chapel leaders gave a short recap and application of last week’s message. Mr Valese then shared Part II of a gospel message that leads into the coming Easter season.

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