On Monday our 2021 alumni were invited back to Assembly to celebrate those receiving subject awards and to announce their dux. The presentation would have usually taken place the first day back at school but due to covid events, it was postponed until the cohort could be on campus to properly commemorate the occasion.

There were a lot of notable achievements among the class of ’21 with one student, Hannah Jeffries, receiving the highest grade in Psychology in Queensland. With an ATAR score of 99.6, Peter Gad was awarded Dux of the college. Peter is flying to Canada later this week to begin a Pre-Med degree at the University of Toronto. When asked what advice he would give to this year’s seniors, Peter encouraged them not to get distracted by comparing themselves to their peers but to focus on their own journey.

The group stayed for morning tea and spent time catching up with each other and filling in their former teachers with their post-school plans. We wish them the best as they launch into the year ahead!