Mueller Basketball Academy kicked off the preseason camp with practice games against Northside Christian College, winning over 50% of our games. Friday night we spent some time building community over dinner and heard an excellent devotion from Lead Coach Jason Perkins about getting out of life’s traps, followed by a time of worship. After that, all teams took the court for training.
Saturday morning our Academy coaches, took all 10 secondary teams through a grueling fitness workout before breakfast, designed by one of our Junior Girls’ coaches, Josh Cabading. From there, teams once again took the court for back-to-back training sessions until lunch.
We were blessed to be able to bring our 2 Primary School teams along to the second training session to work on skills and gameplay concepts. After training on Saturday, secondary MBA students took a much-needed break and relaxed at Chermside Aquatic Centre before coming back to School for a camp highlight – the tournament! The tournament is split into boys and girls, with teams being selected across all year levels by senior captains. There were many close games, and standout players throughout the night.
Congratulations to Tournament Champions:
Team Miles (boys’ tournament)
Team Ruth (girls’ tournament)
Tournament MVP’s:
Miles Perkins
Ruth Hart
Tournament Rising Stars:
Ashley Muchena 
Eve White
Congratulations also to the 2022 Mueller Basketball Academy Captains:
Riley Lane (C)
Jess Hundermark (C)
Hudson Beckett (VC)
Talitha Thomson (VC)
With 12 teams, 120 players, and 18 coaches, the MBA is ready to shine in the upcoming Term 2 BOSL season, and Term 3 State Championships!