Humanities Week is upon us next week, finishing off the term with a flurry of activities. One of those is spearheaded by our very own wildlife advocate, Year 12 student Esther McPhie, who will be running a stall and competitions focused on encouraging environmental awareness. Check it all out below…

Fundraising stall – There will be a fundraising stall out the front of the Tuckshop on Thursday and Friday of the last week of term and this will be open to both Primary and Secondary students before school through to morning tea. Esther and the team will be selling handmade, wildlife-themed products that students will adore. All funds raised will be donated to Pouch Pile – Supporting Babies of the Bush ( Both cash and card will be available. Take a look at some of the items that will be available below.

Fete competition – This year students will have the opportunity to decorate a bird box for a fete competition. Boxes will be available to purchase for $10 at the fundraising stall (above) in Week 10 to allow plenty of time for decoration before they are returned to school in Week 1 for the fete. There will be some awesome prizes on offer for the best looking boxes!

Recycling competition – Students are encouraged to send through ways they recycle around the house to win some fun prizes. Including; placing waste in the correct bins, collecting recyclable bottles, composting food waste, or even having some pet chickens. See Esther at the stall to enter!