When? – Saturday 20th August – 7:00am

Where? – Nathan Road Sports Complex Parkrun

We would love to get as many students and parents as possible to Parkrun on Saturday 20th August at 7:00am. There will be prizes for both students and parents who run the closest to their predicted times. See instructions below:


1.     Make sure you are registered: https://www.parkrun.com.au/register/?section=form

2.     Submit your predicted time: https://forms.gle/iQTAzu8gz8JzC9LCA

3.     Wear your Mueller gear or colours

4.     Come to Nathan Rd Parkrun on 20th August and run WITHOUT A WATCH

5.     Closest student and parent to their nominated time will receive a tuckshop voucher and a Hudsons voucher.


Come and join the fun!