Term 2 is a wrap. Just a couple of days left before we can all enjoy a break. I trust your family has enjoyed the last 10 weeks being part of the Mueller Community.
A lot happens around campus. The Netball Camp last weekend, Humanities Week, Heritage Day and no doubt other activities I have missed, all make for a busy end of term.
This week Mueller Worship is on the road. There are 34 students visiting 4 schools and presenting the Gospel message through Chapels, classroom devotions and lunchtime concerts. The short video below is a quick recap of Day 1 at Lighthouse Christian College in Rockhampton.
Mueller College was born out of a prayer to reach the community with the Gospel. This happens every day in class, on the playground and in every activity that has run this term. Whether it is through speaking about Jesus, or just living His example to our young people, it is a freedom we do not take for granted.
As you head into the holidays, I pray that you have a restful and enjoyable break with your family. We will see you all again in a couple of weeks.