The 2024 academic year has begun with a bang, and there are many exciting events happening around campus. Wednesday morning was a cracker when Prep students discovered, much to their horror, all the Gingerbread Men had run away!

With visits to the front office, the library, the nurse’s station and our chaplains, only clues and crumbs were uncovered. Eventually, throwing caution to the wind, Prep students resolutely headed into Mrs Grady and Mr Valese’s office, but to no avail (despite checking the ‘CCTV’ camera with Mr Valese). Final clues took them through Mrs Norford’s office and then eventually back to Prep where they found the worn-out Gingerbread Men ready for a nap and in need of deep and thorough repentance!

The action in Prep does not end there. The final stage of our new and magnificent Prep playground was completed on Friday, and Preppies are now spoilt for choice in where to play at each break. There is no doubt our students are returning home each afternoon so tired that the daily “what did you do today” question would be quite difficult to tackle. Where does a little person even start?! If you’re looking for a new approach to get those afternoon conversations rolling, maybe try something like, “did your teacher read Giraffes Can’t Dance to you today?” (See the Prep weekly overview for other conversation starters).

Every student in every year level has now begun the journey of learning in 2024. As educators, we understand that this can be difficult at times, especially as students negotiate making friends, getting to know their teacher and grappling with new expectations alongside the business of learning. Several years ago, I picked up a little saying in Africa that went, ‘Every day cannot be Sunday’. It’s true. Every day cannot be our best day, our greatest achievement, our finest moment. But to reach our bigger goals we have to consistently work at a series of smaller challenges. Daily, our students work tirelessly towards their goals. Join us as we encourage and believe in each student and be the team around them, cheering them to the finish line.

Sue Norford

Term 1 News