You Belong Week is approaching. It is very encouraging to see our community getting behind the Leukaemia Foundation with the World’s Greatest Shave.
The fundraising is a tangible way for our students to contribute something outside themselves. It is easy to live for oneself, retreat into Netflix, or the next video on YouTube. Instead, this year we want students to enjoy the excitement of You Belong Week as well as give to others in the process.
You Belong Week sets the bar high. Financially, the bar has been set for the fundraising. The message of You Belong also sets a high bar for friendships and treating others with respect. We know our actions don’t always measure up, however being aspirational is the first step. We aspire for our students to make room for one more friend to promote a sense of belonging amongst each other.
We hope that You Belong Week will strengthen the positive culture we enjoy and reinforce the message to live for more than oneself.
We take this from the life of Jesus. He is the true example of living for others. His perfect life was lived for us and given to us when he died for us. Raising money and making room for friends seems like the least we can do when we look at what Jesus has done for us.