Year 11 Boys camp was once again a highlight. We were blessed to have terrific weather which only elevated the range of outdoor adventure activities the boys engaged with. Highlights of the program included, hiking up Mount Beerburrum, dragon boat racing across Lake Cootharaba, Surf lessons, raft building and canoeing through the beautiful Noosa Everglades. While the camp was designed to physically stretch the boys a large emphasis was placed on the spiritual conversations around the journey from boyhood to manhood.
The strength of the camp is undoubtedly the engagement of the boys, and the willingness of the Mueller staff to have open and honest conversations of God’s grace and a heart to see young men thrive through the challenges and pitfalls that the modern world presents as they step into manhood.
Sitting around an open fire, and having great conversations after a big day of fun and adventure in the outdoors is truly one of the key markers in the Year 11 program for the boys at Mueller. We are thankful and grateful for God’s provision in another great camp in 2023.