What a great day the Mueller fete was on Saturday! The smiling faces, the music and laughter on the rides, the smell of doughnuts and pizzas cooking and the magnificent winter weather all adds up to everything we wanted the fete to be. Whether the “360 Dance Party” ride was your cup of tea or the Ferris Wheel is more your pace there was something for everyone. The sense of community was palpable, and I even ran into a bunch of past students who were making the annual trip back to the Mueller Fete.

We want to say a massive “Thank You’ to the parent helpers and many people from the school community who volunteered their time and labour to make the day happen and ensure everyone was fed. A special thanks to our fete co-ordinator Nadine Salisbury and her team who worked for many months to pull the event together. It is a big job and I am sure we would all agree it was a great success.

As is the life of a school though, we roll onto the next thing! There have been parent-teacher interviews already this week and the Mueller Careers Expo is on for the Years 10-12 students on Wednesday the 25th of July. There are over 40 exhibitors including Universities and TAFE, training colleges, Defence Force recruiters and other work pathways organisations who are available to talk to our students about the opportunities which await them beyond school. There is a diverse range of career pathways which students can pursue, and it seems the hard part is narrowing it down to the one to follow. To help with this we have a range of people from within the school community who work in different fields, available to talk to students as well about the particular characteristics of their career.

Further to this event is the 2019 Subject Selection Evening being held for Years 8-10 students on Wednesday August 1st. As we start to look ahead to the next academic year students will be considering the range of subjects available. This will be a significant evening as the Year Ten students will be selecting subjects for the introduction of the new QCE system in Queensland and the transition from the OP to the ATAR for university entrance. It is important that parents and students attend to ensure they are informed about the impact these decisions will have on their subject selections.

All the best for Semester Two!

Week 2 // News and Updates