If you go into any Prep Class and ask them what they want to be when they grow up, you hear a variety of pretty amazing professions. Fireman, Racing car driver, Singer, Scuba diver, Ice-cream taster, Circus clown. You get some very creative responses.

According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics (an arm of the Federal department of Labour), Health Care Professionals dominate the list as the best job of 2018.  While they account for 20 of the 25 top careers, Software Developers take the number one position.

It’s that time of the Mueller school year when discussions are had, and information surrounding career pathways and post school pursuits is given.  Academic interviews with Year Eleven and Year Twelve students last week revealed a range of levels of engagement from students with post-school planning regarding work, travel or study. It can be daunting to decide.  The annual Careers Expo was also run last week, giving students in Years Ten to Twelve the opportunity to talk to people both at Tertiary institutions and in the work force. This week the 2019 Subject Selections and Information Evening will inform students in their choosing of subjects for next year and beyond.  Year Ten students will have SET Plan interviews next week to ensure the subjects they are thinking of selecting for their Senior school years will set them in the right direction for their possible career pathway.

Everyone wants a dream job that’s enjoyable and meaningful, and for young people one that pays well. Students will often equate a dream job with that which is ‘easy’ and highly paid.

They often also think that their passions should direct them in the pursuit of the dream job. Research has shown though, that you can develop passion by doing work that you find enjoyable and meaningful. The key is to become good at something that helps other people.

A satisfying job, or successful career is more likely to be achieved if the following parameters are met:

  1. It is work you’re good at,
  2. It is work that is engaging,
  3. It is work that helps others,
  4. It is work that has supportive conditions (supportive colleagues; lack of major negatives like unfair pay; and work that fits your personal values.

As we are starting the conversations with students about their futures, we are again able to highlight the core values we promote here at Mueller as life-long drivers.  We want them to be pursuing and achieving jobs and careers where they can find their sense of belonging, can grow and thrive, can know and value other people, and contribute to others and the wider community.


Week 3 // News and Updates