Hebrews 10:24-25
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

The school year consists of very distinct seasons. Right now, as a school we are in the midst of the season of ‘celebration’. Student work and performances are being showcased and celebrated throughout Term Four, and there is plenty to see.

Last week a class of very talented Year Eleven drama students entertained a captivated crowd as they gave their performance of Shakespeare’s ‘A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream’. Most pleasing was being able to witness students stretching themselves above and beyond their capabilities and outside of their comfort zones, where previously they hadn’t or been afforded the opportunity to do so.

This week’s Arts Festival will plunge The Arts into the spotlight. This whole school extravaganza will showcase the exceptional works of our students in Dance, Drama, Music, Art and Film and TV. Thursday’s annual Sports Awards dinner will move the spotlight onto those who have excelled in the sporting arena. Next week the stage is given to all those students who have shone in their academic pursuits, served wholeheartedly in the school and wider communities, or demonstrated leadership capabilities at Mueller’s Secondary Presentation Evening.

Towards the end of the term celebrations turn to a number of ‘milestone’ finishes. Our Preps, Year 6’s, Year 9’s and Year 12’s all finish a significant chapter in their schooling journey. The school community enjoys celebrating with them.

As a school community we see the importance of encouraging our students to strive to excel in all their pursuits. As a school community we work to spur them on to give the best of themselves in order to achieve the best they can. And as a school community we are intentional in celebrating with them when the time comes. We are in the midst of a season of celebrating student achievements right now.

Our Year Twelves are seeing their final day at Mueller fast approaching. They have been challenged and encouraged to stay steadfast. To keep spurring each other on. To not give up. To not put the cue in the rack just yet. To ensure that when the time is right, we will wholeheartedly celebrate with them their finest achievement at Mueller so far……graduation.

Ben Stiller

Week 3 News