Anxiety seems to be the predominant feeling I hear from the community. It is another disrupted start to the year and once again we need to roll with whatever comes our way. I would initially like to acknowledge the emails expressing both support and concern for the current state of schooling. Having said that, we are anxious with excitement waiting for children to arrive on campus next week.

There are times that we can easily use throw-away statements to make others feel better. I know that there are many a Bible verse used this way. In tough times we can say, ‘don’t worry, God uses all things to work together for good’. In these anxious times, we can say ‘don’t be anxious, fear not for God is with you’.

In the current climate, a passing throw-away line is not what is needed. We need the full weight of Biblical truth expressed in God’s plan for our lives. His plan was first revealed to us in Genesis 1 and continues today. God is not absent from the current troubles; in fact, He is in control of all that is happening. Our anxiety demonstrates our need to rely on Him for strength and wisdom. I am pleased that I am not in control. I consider the number of mistakes I make daily, and for me to have full control would be foolish.

God upholds heaven and earth and so governs them that herbs and grass, rain and drought, health and sickness, riches and poverty, indeed, all things come not by chance, but by his fatherly hand.

The complete message of the Bible is God’s plan for us in his Son, Jesus. We are not to be anxious for today, tomorrow, or 2022, because eternity is taken care of for those in Christ Jesus.

Paul Valese

Term 1 News