People often interpret ‘the Early Years’ differently, according to an article published by the Department of Education and Training titled ‘Making the Most of Childhood’. Some people perceive the early years as the ones from birth to eight years. Others understand them as the years before a child goes to school, while some discern them as the years before a child’s third birthday. Regardless, all these periods of time are critical in a child’s life, and it’s important that children are provided with rich opportunities to learn, develop, and have fun during their early years of life.

It’s Early Years Week in the Primary School; a time each year when we celebrate the youngest in our school. Our Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students will have ample opportunities this week to learn new things, develop their skills and have fun. We begin the excitement on Tuesday with Cross Country, where students will take part in a running race with other students in their age group. Students get to show off their best moves at the Disco on Wednesday, where there will be bubble machines, giant balloons, and limbo! On Thursday at Tabloid Sports, students will rotate the oval between different athletics activities, including archery, long jump, and foam javelin. We’ll finish the week with Grandparents’ Day on Friday, when grandparents will visit their grandchild in their classroom, and then join us for Chapel afterwards.

It’s always special to invite parents and grandparents to enjoy these events with their child. The term, ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ is a well-known proverb, meaning that it takes a community to care for, provide for and support a child in their development. As educators in the Early Years, we count it a privilege to partner with families, as we work together to support children in these critical years. Psalm 127:3 reminds us, “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.” At Mueller College, we truly believe that each child is a gift from God, created uniquely by Him. We know that He loves each one immeasurably, and we can’t wait to celebrate them this week!

Melody Lean

Term 2 – Week 3 News