With the school holidays well and truly behind us, students all over campus have bravely dived back into the school routine. This week marks our third annual ‘Prayer Week’. Creative and meaningful prayer ‘stations’ have been set up in MPAC giving students and staff the opportunity to focus their prayers on personal, community-related and international situations.

‘The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much’ James 5:16

During morning tea just today, students and staff gathered to worship and share a wonderful time of communal devotion. Throughout the week, classes will be taking time to do a Prayer Walk, pausing at various stations to contemplate and pray. From Preps to Year 12, hundreds of students will take time to stop and reflect, calling on the One who is our complete source of hope. Through prayer and meditation we can still ourselves and re-centre our vision back to God.

As we move through our week, getting busy with work, school and home responsibilities, it is very easy to lose sight of the One who gives it all such purpose. Engaging in focused, meaningful prayer brings us back to our ‘why’. Why do we do what we do? What sort of person do we want to be? What is our ‘why’?

In prayer, we discover our ‘why’ is a Person. God Himself is our ‘why’!

As you journey through your week, fulfilling your duties and serving the people around you, take a moment to stop and pray. Think of the One you are praying to, and His deep love and care for you. His love and concern for you far outweighs anything you could ever do for Him. Perhaps this week you might join us in your own time of prayer and meditation, and you present your requests before the throne of Grace. I know that you will see rich rewards, and a deep abiding that can only be found as we seek our Heavenly Father in all that we do.

Sue Norford

Term 3 News