The first day is done! I trust there were not too many tears and you have settled back into the Mueller Community. We eagerly anticipate the year ahead with your child/ren and the great things they will achieve.

At megaChapel yesterday we sang the song ‘We are Royals’ by North Point Inside Out. Search the song on Youtube, it is a ripper!  The main message of megaChapel was found in the lyrics,

“All the rich,

all the poor,

all the people are yours

It doesn’t matter where you come from,

We are all welcome in the Kingdom”

At Mueller, the first thing we want for our students is a sense of belonging. After the first day of school, we want students to know they matter. Our community is made up of rich, poor, broke, broken and everyone in between. None of us are perfect and yet God welcomes all who believe into the Kingdom. This is why we work hard to make people feel welcome in the Mueller Community.

The year ahead is full of opportunities for your child/ren, however the first step along the journey of 2018 is to ‘belong’. It is our prayer that you will feel welcome in the Mueller Community and then throughout the year, grow in your desire to learn about God’s Kingdom and how he can transform your life.