

Foundations of Belonging

In 2015, we published our 2020 Vision and Master Plan for the College. Since then, there has been a lot of construction and most recently the completion of more facilities. The new facilities seem to be the most obvious outworking of the vision, however it is timely to remind ourselves that the 2020 Vision is not about buildings. The buildings are important, but merely the shell in which we go about building a community where all students can ‘belong’ and all students can ‘learn’.

By |2019-08-14T10:14:30+10:00August 14th, 2019|Editorial|

The Long Haul

The ‘long haul’ will be different for each of us. It may be just the journey to the end of the week, or the year, or the journey to finishing high school, or getting to retirement. Whatever the length of time, if it feels like a ‘long haul’, then that is real and valid for you and God wants to partner, provide and protect you through it. This does however require action like being joyful, patient and prayerful.

By |2019-08-07T09:07:51+10:00August 7th, 2019|Editorial|

You Are What You Eat

“We found individuals with better quality diets were less likely to be depressed, whereas a higher intake of processed and unhealthy foods was associated with increased anxiety”

By |2019-07-30T10:10:47+10:00July 31st, 2019|Editorial|

Thank You for a Wonderful Fete!

We couldn’t have asked for better weather on Saturday for the Mueller College Fete. It was yet another terrific day for the Mueller community and I hope that your family enjoyed the rides, food, performances and fireworks.

By |2019-07-24T10:40:42+10:00July 24th, 2019|Editorial|

Don’t lose heart

I have a confession to make that I have never seen the movie, “High School Musical”. Until the 2019 Mueller musical I had no knowledge of who Troy Bolton, Gabrielle Montez, Sharpay Evans or East High school were. My television viewing habits tend to focus more on sport, so this phenomenon was lost on me! At least I was able to watch the musical without knowing the storyline! To add to this, I hadn’t seen or read Jungle Book either so that was new for me as well! The Mueller students and staff did an awesome job of bringing these stories to life.

By |2019-06-26T10:54:05+10:00June 26th, 2019|Editorial|

Contribute to Community at the Mueller Fete

Mueller has changed over the years. A major change is reflected each year in the College Fete. In the early days, and like most school fetes, the Mueller Fete was held to raise extra funds to purchase resources. The Fete was essential in those days to balance the books. The Fete was also a community celebration and a much anticipated event each year.

By |2019-06-19T10:17:29+10:00June 19th, 2019|Editorial|

You have been chosen

“I choose you.” This is the foundation of true, lasting relationships. It is the foundation for God’s relationship with you. As Jesus declared to His disciples, “You did not choose Me, but I chose you...” Jesus chose us in the most difficult of circumstances.

By |2019-06-12T09:37:53+10:00June 12th, 2019|Editorial|

Being in Community

Mueller College is one giant, living, heaving and thriving community. Its boundaries stretch well beyond the school gate – it shares the embrace of the Early Childcare centre, Mueller Community Church and Peninsular Palms Retirement Village. It is one huge living organism.But what contributes to it being such a special and unique community, are the strong community characteristics it possesses. Not just through a catchy slogan or in a convincing mission statement, but evidenced in the actions and the day to day goings on that occur at 75 Morris Road.

By |2019-06-05T10:02:24+10:00June 5th, 2019|Editorial|


I attempted to make sushi recently and whilst the final product was edible it was a long way from the standard of sushi you buy in a food court, let alone at a restaurant. I researched some tips and discovered the training regime to be a legitimate sushi chef, an itamae, can take up to a decade. In fact, they invest years in the seemingly simple task of making the rice. It is the hallmark of an expert that they make complex tasks look easy, masking their expertise in the process.

By |2019-05-28T14:37:52+10:00May 29th, 2019|Editorial|