“I have come that you may have life and have it to the full. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays his life down for his sheep.” John 10:10

It has been a term full of highlights and activities at Mueller. There have been some excellent learning opportunities for students including the commencement of 30 new subjects in Year Eleven and students across the school learning about everything from the quadratic equations to the beginnings of the alphabet in Prep.  There have also been many community events such as the Prayer tent, Encounter Camp, Primary school clubs held at every morning tea and lunch and of course, ‘You Belong Week’.

With so much activity happening it is not surprising that the school holidays are a welcome chance for students and teachers to take a breath and slow down. Many of us enjoy the opportunity to connect with family and friends during this time, especially over the Easter long weekend. However, not everyone finds the holiday period enjoyable. According to a study commissioned in 2018 by the Australian Psychological Society and conducted by the team at Swinburne University many Australians experience social disconnection and loneliness. Whilst most age groups experience similar levels of loneliness, the age group for whom this is most prevalent are 18-25-year olds, with almost 50% of them reporting feeling lonely on at least one day in the last week. This leads to or is caused by other significant challenges such as social anxiety. The impact of this disconnection is felt in numerous ways and can have a profound impact upon their wellbeing.

We are entering into a holiday season, marked for us by the celebration of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection. In John 10:10 Jesus says to his disciples, “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays his life down for his sheep.” This sacrifice has made connectedness with God possible. Where there was once disconnection is now freedom and access to relationship with God. Due to His sacrifice, celebrated at Easter, he encourages us to care for others and to seek their benefit.

At Mueller College, we say “there is always room for one more friend.” The students at Mueller are very good at including new people and looking out for those who are disconnected. It is God’s desire for us that we may have ‘life to the full’. It is a blessing to be in a school and have the opportunity to have some time out from the routine. It is also important that we look out for those around us who need a hand, a chat or a friend.

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter break and we will see the students back at Mueller on Wednesday April 24th.

Todd Langford

Week 10 // News and Updates