Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. ISAIAH 43:18-19

We have only been at school for 12 actual school days and it hasn’t been shy of jam-packed. We have had First Day, megaChapel, swimming carnivals and lessons, school photos, sport trainings, instrumental and group music lessons, Year 7 camp and the myriad of daily events in each classroom and year levels. As referred to last week, we are “full steam ahead”. It may even feel like we never left, and that the holidays didn’t exist. Yet they did and 2020, is still a new year, with new adventures and new opportunities to grow and learn.

We believe every student can achieve more, despite their past results and thoughts about their abilities. This is also how God sees us all, able to do more (from a place of rest), be more (than the lies we believe about ourselves) and live freely, despite the past. As the Bible verse above suggests, God calls us to let go of “former things,” so we can cling to our new identity in Christ.

Regardless of what we have done, no one is beyond hope. That’s the great hope of the Christian message. No amount or depth of sin in our past can trump the grace of God. It’s never too late to start doing what is right. Grace provides that sort of new beginning. We can’t afford to get stuck on where we were. We shouldn’t waste our time focusing on what we used to be. Remember, the hope we have in Christ means there’s a brighter tomorrow. Sins are forgiven. Shame is cancelled out.

May 2020 be one for all of us to take new opportunities to grow and not just watch our child/ren do it. The Mueller year may have “left the station”, but there is always time to reset, re-align, re-direct, re-commit and grow. God always has time for us, no matter what.

Grace gives us wings to soar over and beyond the deep, dark pit of the past. Charles Swindol

Chris Mills


Term 1 News