One of the values which we aspire to at Mueller is a desire that through our actions, every student will feel a deep sense of belonging at school. This will in turn facilitate a positive culture where students are able to learn well. We express this value in the words – Every Student Matters Every Day.

Contrary to the current news cycle of riots and protests, we have a deep desire that every student knows they matter to us. The worth of every student is not measured by their outward appearance or upcoming grades on their report card, rather it is measured by the One who ‘knit them together’ (Psalm 139:13). Our students come in all shapes, sizes, abilities, gifts, personalities, backgrounds, and they all matter to us.

People matter to God therefore they should matter to us. God’s work in creation and God’s work in redemption are the two main reasons why we can say ‘every student matters every day’.

God created male and female (Genesis 1:27). The creation of man demonstrates that we matter to God, but not only did God create man, he breathed into him the breath of life (Genesis 2:7). The breath of God is in each human, created in His image (Genesis 1:26).

Man enjoyed communion with God in the garden. However, man’s sin ultimately caused a fracture between God and man. The relationship was broken and irreparable by any action man could take. God did not forsake man. In Genesis chapter 3, God initiates the rescue plan where He will send a savior, Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14).

The fact of Jesus’ coming is the final proof that God cares for mankind. Jesus, God’s own son, then willingly died the sacrificial death which we deserved to ultimately prove that God’s love is so vast, He would give His only Son (John 3:16).

Congratulations if you are still reading, and here is your reward – if you ever feel unappreciated, undervalued or like you just don’t matter – God, the creator of the universe, stepped down from heaven and felt the same, so you don’t have to.

Paul Valese

Term 2 News