A word that kept appearing at the start of Term Two to describe the situation occurring in our school, nation and around the world was ‘unprecedented’. We were all looking for a way of describing a situation we hadn’t been in before. As it turned out online learning was a roller-coaster of emotions for some, an unpleasant experience for others and then there were those who didn’t want normal school to start again!

Upon reflection Term Two has been a real credit to the students, parents and staff and an indication of the strength and resilience of the Mueller community. To roll with the changes and get through all the work under trying circumstances is something to be proud of. We especially want to say ‘thanks’ to the many parents who set aside their own work or priorities to invest in your children’s learning.

It is good to take some time in the last few days before we break to reflect on the achievements of the semester. These achievements are not as public as usual – no musical, sporting events or assemblies to be a part of. A term such as this though has provided a plethora of opportunities for self-discipline, time management and perseverance. Unglamorous but vital life skills. It has been tiring but hopefully the value of the skills learned this term will live long after school has gone back to normal.

As society is becoming less restricted and we are about to enjoy a break we are also aware that the effects of Covid-19 are still being felt significantly by many members of the Mueller community. Many in the school community are thinking of you and praying for you during this season. During Term Two a particular worship song called “The Blessing” has been prominent in the school. I will leave you with the words of this song, which are a quote from the book of Numbers (6:24-26) in the Bible.

24 ‘May the Lord bless you
and protect you.
25 May the Lord smile on you
and be gracious to you.
26 May the Lord show you his favour
and give you his peace.’

Todd Langford

Term 2 News