Hands up if there was excited chatter, laughter, skipping, dancing, or cartwheels on the walk into school on Monday. Was it from excited kids or adults in your family? Finally, school has begun. It was wonderful to see the joy that returning to school brought to so many families. We are so excited to have students and families on campus, in community, learning together. Our heart at Mueller is for community, both for students and parents. We hope new families quickly feel a valued part of our Mueller community.

I asked students on Monday what was the best thing about coming back to school. Overwhelmingly students said friends and then they followed up with being excited about something new. They were excited for a new teacher, new friends, new classroom, new playground area, new year level, or new books. The start of the school year is a chance for something new, a new start, and a new hope.  Whatever last year looked like, there is hope for something good and hope for something more.

The bible speaks about the hope we can have in God, in the book of Isaiah 40:31;

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

As we put our hope in the everlasting God, he gives us renewed strength for whatever we face today, tomorrow, and throughout the year.   This is incredibly comforting, especially with the constant change and unknowns at the present time.  When our hope is in God, we see miracles big and small. We are able to face our circumstances and do things that we couldn’t ordinarily do in our own strength. Whether that is starting something new, making new friends, or facing another change or setback.

I have a constant reminder of this, on our wall at home.  My painting says;

Where there is hope, there is faith

Where this is faith, miracles happen.

Amongst the uncertainty of this year, despite the change to the start of the school year, we can start our year with excitement and hope.

Sarah Grady

Term 1 News