World Expo 88, came to Brisbane when I was in primary school.  Do any parents remember the Expo? What is currently known as South Bank, was in 1988, the site for the World Expo. Over 36 countries participated and showcased their nation with interactive and entertaining pavilions. As a primary student, I vividly remember visiting the Expo, and thoroughly enjoyed learning about the different languages, cultures, traditions, animals and food of so many countries.

Our World is an amazing place, filled with diverse people groups, cultures and traditions.

Mueller College is richly blessed to have so many students connected to many different cultures. Multicultural Day in the Primary School allows us to acknowledge and celebrate the many cultures in our world. It was wonderful to see on Monday, so many students wearing something that resembled a country of significance to them.

Not only did God create our amazing world, filled with diverse food, colour, landscapes and animals, but He loves all people in our World.  John 3:16  is a familiar verse and says “For God so loved the World, that he gave His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him, will not die but have eternal life.”

So whether you barrack for the All Blacks, or speak Hindi, or you eat Biltong, the great news is God Loves you!  He always has and He always will.

Angela Langford

Term 4 – Week 2 News