Welcome to Term 4. The next 8 weeks are packed full of learning and celebration activities to close out the year.

The week starts with Years 5, 9 and 10 Camps. The campus will be a little quieter with so many students on camp. I wish them all the best as they spend time as a year level. We welcome back the Year 6 students after their week in Cairns at the end of last term.

One of Mueller’s value statements is “Everyone Belongs and can Contribute to Community”. Term 4 will see us partner with Mueller Community Church’s Christmas Hamper program as an opportunity to contribute to the broader community. There are many in the community who need a little extra care at Christmas, and the Christmas Hamper program is an opportunity to show God’s love through a tangible gift, such as a gift hamper.

I ask you all to keep an eye on Mueller Connect and put one or two things extra in your trolley at your next shop. There is no need to buy a trolly load of extras, because if everyone does a little, a lot gets done.

Over the next 5 weeks, we will be collecting items such as Milo, coffee, juice, biscuits, pasta, pancake mix and other long life type products that will bless families at Christmas. Mueller Connect will have the list, and teachers will also remind children in class an on assembly.

I wish you all a safe Term 4. The time will fly by, and before you know it, we will be talking about Christmas megaChapel.

Paul Valese

Term 4 – Week 1 News