In the midst of a difficult year, it is almost time for your children to have a break from school. The September holidays are always a welcome sight. Term 3 is always a full term of academic work, assessment and cultural activities.

Term 3 staff devotions have focussed on Numbers 6:24-26.

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

Staff have been encouraged by the fact that God shows his favour to us. For many, it may feel as though the favour doesn’t seem to be present. Whether it is Covid troubles, family turmoil, teenage battles or the general weariness of life, God’s favour sometimes feels distant.

The blessing however isn’t the promise of an easy life. The recent warning from eSafety shows the imminent risks our children face. Life will be full of challenges for all of us, and even more so for your children as they grow. Our hope at Mueller is that you will be able to see the favour which God has shown to us through his Son. The pressures will remain, however our source of joy rests in the fact that when Jesus hung on the cross, God turned his face away from his own son. Because of this, God now turns his face towards us, and we can be assured that his eternal blessing is for us.

Those who have put their hope in Christ receive the peace that the creator of the universe shows eternal favour on them. The daily pressures remain, however the perspective of eternity make them seem all the more manageable.

Paul Valese

Term 3 News