If you had the opportunity to attend the Mueller College fete you will have seen both the large number of people and the big smiles on the faces of the students. Each person has their own highlight from the day – the rides, the performances, the fireworks – for me, it was the orange and poppyseed cake I bought from the cake stall. The perfect ratio of cake to icing, and it had fruit in it so could be considered healthy!

What really stands out about the fete is the coming together of the Mueller community to serve and to enjoy the celebration. It is particularly pleasing to see so many past students or members of the Mueller community coming back to the school grounds for the afternoon and reconnecting. There have been so many events which get cancelled or postponed over the last 18 months that being all in one place again was enjoyable. However, like any popular endeavour the queues and the wait time was a little longer than we would have liked.

One of our school values is that students can ‘belong and contribute to community’. The fete is a great example of people working side by side to serve others. I saw many examples on the day of students spending half their day working on a stall which is a significant sacrifice when there are so many fun things to do. What makes the Mueller community special is the attitude of service which so many exhibit not just during the fete but each day on campus at Mueller College.

It would be remiss of us not to say a massive ‘Thank You’ to all the people who contributed to the day being put together. Grounds staff, MPAC sound and lighting crew, catering staff, the many volunteers, school students and staff and of course Fete Co-ordinator Nadine Salisbury. There were some very early mornings and late nights to get it all set up and run the day, but it is all worth it to see the enjoyment the school community experiences from this event.

Todd Langford

Term 3 News