Despite the delayed start to the year, the regular teaching and learning activities and programs are all up and running for 2022. As I walk through the school with prospective parents on school tours they often comment on the number of activities and programs available. We inevitably walk past teachers or teacher aides working with students on these teaching and learning activities, often beyond the classroom.

The activities include literacy and numeracy support, social skills programs, and behavioural support. Students have also commenced leadership programs, gifted and talented activities, lunchtime clubs, music and sporting groups. Once students reach senior secondary school not all of these activities can be provided by the school and are best facilitated externally. We have dozens of students who take part in school-based traineeships in industries such as construction and hospitality, others who study at TAFE or University whilst at school and some students on long-term work experience.

It is so exciting to see Mueller College students learning and developing, because of the investment and care provided for them by Mueller College staff. The heart of the school is to invest the resources available to us in ways which allow students to not only grow and thrive but to see how God has uniquely gifted them. This was intent of the church in starting the school in 1990 and was the driving force behind such initiatives as Hudson’s café and the Trade Skills Centre, to see further opportunities provided on site.

In the school environment there are a lot of needs to be met and the Bible encourages us to focus on meeting the needs of others (Hebrews 13:16) rather than focusing purely on ourselves. Our prayer for all students at Mueller is that they will know their God-given talents and his blessing on their life and bear fruit with these gifts as they serve one another.

Todd Langford

Term 1 News