“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”—Lamentations 3:21-23

We are in an unusual space right now, where we are in Week 7, yet it feels like only the second week back with all students. We are nearing the end of term and students, teachers (and as I’m sure are you), are feeling quite tired after the experiences of the past few months. Yet as in any time of challenge, our best hope lies in how we all take up the mantle of supporting the restoration of each other.

As a Christian community, we anchor ourselves in the hope we have in Jesus and the promises of restoration and hope spoken to and over us in scripture. It is from here that we find the peace we need and can utilise in bringing peace to others.

Be encouraged, you are not too far from God.  Come as you are.  Bring your brokenness and weariness, and receive the restoration that only Jesus can do in you and for you.  What the devil meant for harm, Jesus will restore you and use it for good (Genesis 50:20).  God loves you and loves to restore you.  Accept His acceptance of you and as God restores your life, you will be in awe at who Jesus is and what He can do with anyone who simply comes humbly and hungry to be restored.

In last week’s article, Mr Langford discussed the importance of students applying inclusivity to ensure the transition back to school could be as smooth and as rich as possible. He also praised the students for the way they connected and reconnected with each other, something I have also been blessed to see being displayed in the Primary School.

Below is a resource that comes from restoreschools.com This model highlights seven key areas that intersect, interconnect and affect each other, as we all do. May you find it helpful as you support your child/ren, household and or workplaces. As I read this resource I was reminded of the life and love of our Lord and Saviour, His heart for us, His desire to connect with us, His passion to want to bring healing/restoration, His longing to help us, see us help ourselves and those around us and His unconditional love for all of us.

For when God restores, He does not take you back to the way you were before you experienced being broken.  The Lord is much better than that; God’s restoration leaves you better than you once were.  Zechariah 9:12 says, “Even today I declare that I will restore double to you.”  God takes the pain, hurt, and brokenness that may have been caused by you or others, and puts your life back in order, adjusts what is wrong, and brings you to a place of amazing recovery and wholeness.

I pray this practical resource can in some way, bless you and your family.

Chris Mills

Term 2 News