How magical is this time of year in Queensland. The cool crisp air and the warmth of the sun. Aren’t we blessed to enjoy sunny winter days here? But it’s that time of year when things get hard. Getting up is harder. Getting the kids going and to school is harder. Completing assessment is harder. The novelty and buzz of the start of the year has well and truly worn off. And, you have probably already had your child ask if they can have a day off. The reality is, life is hard!

There is a real tension, as parents, to want to help relieve the difficulty from your child, but also allow them to go through that difficulty to build resilience. Because let’s face it, we’ve been there, we know how they feel. And wouldn’t it be better if they didn’t have to go through what we went through?! But doesn’t that deprive them of growing?

So, how do we live in the tension of this reality and journey with our kids to allow them to grow into resilient young men and women. Here’s some tips:

· Going to school, and staying at school every day

· Listening & affirming our support of them

· Having & keeping boundaries with device use

· Letting them solve their own problems (with our support)

Michelle Mitchell says ‘like a muscle that needs to be used, resilience is strengthened with each small choice our children make. Our job as parents is to help them every step of the way.’

Notice she doesn’t say, our job as parents is to remove their hard things. By listening, encouraging and journeying with your children through hard things, you’re allowing them to develop and grow resilience.

Remember, God doesn’t promise us an easy life. But what he does promise is his presence with us in the midst of life. It says in Matthew 28:20 “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” God is with you, and God is with your children. Trust he is using all things together for the good of those who love God (Romans 8:28).

Rachel Baker

Term 2 – Week 8 News