This week the subject, distinction and merit award winners and the academic excellence award winners in the high school have been advertised in preparation for the looming Presentation Night on Thursday, the 19th of October. We have so many dedicated and talented students at Mueller College that a night such as this promises to be a good one!
It is a highlight of the school year to celebrate the achievements of students. We know that earning an award is a goal for many students. This is a good thing. It promotes striving for your best and reaching your potential. It is a joy to see the smiles on the faces of a students as they receive something they have worked hard for all year.
However, we acknowledge that whenever we have people who achieve their goals, there are also some who narrowly miss out. In a large school, there are many who have performed well enough to deserve these accolades however not everyone can win an award, and it is difficult to deal with this disappointment. In our celebration of winners, we want to say ‘Well Done’ to those who have worked equally hard, done almost as well and only just missed out.
There is a parable in the Book of Luke where Jesus is talking to a rich man who is storing up possessions so that he can rest and enjoy life. Jesus says to him, “You are not measured by what you own” (Luke 12:15) It is human nature to measure our worth by tangible things like wealth, achievement, and popularity. However, we know that these sorts of things are not a strong foundation for defining who we are. The challenge with awards – for both the winners and those who miss out – is that we can place too much of our own identity and worth in them. I want to encourage all students to seek their worth and value in the way God (and we) sees them – as His perfect creation.
Congratulations to all those who won awards, and I look forward to celebrating your achievements next Thursday!