I love this time of year, celebrating student success.
This Friday, we have the Year 9 Semi-Formal, as they come to the end of Middle School. Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll have graduation for Prep, the Year 6’s from Primary, and the big one, the Year 12’s graduating after 13 years of schooling!
These milestones are so important for students as they look forward to what’s next. They represent both a reward for all their hard work, as well as motivation to keep going.
As someone once said, 80 per cent of success in life comes from simply turning up: the discipline of coming to school and learning stuff, doing their homework and assignments, tests and exams. And this virtuous cycle of learning gives students the confidence to keep going, to keep aspiring, and to know they have the resilience to do whatever comes next.
So it’s only right we celebrate the achievement of our students because it reflects the partnership we share in building these habits to ensure life-long success.
As the Psalmist says in Psalm 126:3. “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!”