That’s a wrap. 2023 is almost done. Just a couple of sleeps until holidays.
The past couple of weeks have been one celebratory event after another. Last Friday was the Year 12 Farewell Breakfast, Chapel and Formal. We are very proud of the way our Year 12 students ended the year. It is incredibly encouraging that we do not have to worry about a ‘muck-up day’. Instead, our Year 12s end with messages of positive contribution. Thank you to the Year 12s and the way they finished well.
The year has been another huge year at Mueller. We hope that students came to school with a smile, left with a smile and most importantly – learnt heaps of stuff in between. It is our desire that Mueller is a place where each student thrives in whatever area they are interested.
megaChapel is almost here! Our Christmas megaChapel is the craziest megaChapel of the year, and this year is no exception. We hope that you can come along and enjoy the message of Christmas – the birth of Jesus Christ.
As you head into the holidays, I wish you all a safe and happy break. I hope Christmas is a positive time for your family and the New Year brings blessing.