Someone once said to me; “You’ve either just come out of a trial, you are in one, or you’re about to enter one!”. How extremely comforting and encouraging – kidding! It can feel a little like that at the moment with all things COVID. Are we through it?….still in it?….or is it going to get worse again? We are still surrounded by a multitude of uncertainties.

Adding to that are the current circumstances we each face in our own personal lives. There are those facing financial uncertainty and unsure as to what the future holds. For some, it may be ongoing health issues or recent diagnosis, a recent change of circumstance, or an imminent change. You might be facing little certainty in the days or weeks ahead, let alone the next twelve months. For the current Year Twelves, it may be the thought of next year. A fear of the unknown or anxiety at the thought of leaving the Mueller community of which they have been part of for the best part of the last thirteen years.

The fact is we are all facing giants or overcoming hurdles. Some of which seem insurmountable right now. As you pass through the deep waters of your own circumstances, you may be wondering, ‘who can rescue me from this?’ Be encouraged! Even in the deepest of waters, God promises to be with the one who trusts in Him. Therefore, do not fear the deep, murky waters of uncertainty surrounding you. Though the way seems difficult or even impossible, you can be confident in this, ‘Nothing will be impossible with God”, Luke 1:37.

You may be thinking, ‘I don’t know how I could ever get through this’. Or you may be battling powerful feelings of despair, suffering, confusion, fear, worry, and even anger. These are all normal responses to difficult circumstances. God cares very deeply about you and is attentive to every detail of your life – even those things that burden your heart. 1 Peter 5:7 says that you should ‘cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you’.  It may seem like your life has been shaken to the core recently, but His love for you is never shaken. Isaiah 54:10 says ‘For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but my loving kindness will not be removed from you’.

God knows intimately the concerns of your heart (Psalm 139:1-3) and can provide all the peace, strength and courage you need. In Him you will find peace for today, strength for tomorrow and hope for a brighter future – when the next trial comes along.

As difficult as this past, present or future storm may be, you are not alone. God is with you always. He loves you, and care about what is going on in your life. He hears your cries and sees your pain. Moreover, He understands. He is just waiting for you to share them with Him and allow Him into your circumstances.

Ben Stiller

Term 3 News