Happy Easter! The regular end of term activities that we have been looking forward to are no longer possible, in fact school as we know it is not able to happen! We would have loved this week to be all about Easter craft, mega chapel and finishing off the work for the term. However, we know that COVID is not to be trifled with and it is important to abide by the regulations for the safety of the community.

There is such rapid change at times like this and we thank the school community – parents, students and staff for doing their part to make the last week of school happen – or not happen in some instances. At the time of writing, we don’t know whether the Easter weekend will be in lock down or not. We hope that it can be as normal as possible, either way it is an important time of the year.

The significance of the events of Easter, the death and resurrection of Jesus, are that God acknowledges that in all of our lives, we all fall short. No matter how hard we try we just won’t be good enough. He doesn’t just acknowledge this but Jesus himself makes a way for us to be made whole by God. The Christian faith isn’t about doing better or trying harder, it is not about comparing ourselves with other people to see if we measure up. It is about accepting the love and grace that Jesus offers us through the events of Easter.

Trying harder all the time is exhausting – his call for us is to come to him just as we are. We do not need to become better first but just to receive His gift of love and acceptance. He says this in 1 Timothy 2:8 – 9 (Message version)

“We can only keep on going, after all, by the power of God, who first saved us and then called us to this holy work. We had nothing to do with it. It was all his idea, a gift prepared for us in Jesus long before we knew anything about it.”

I hope that you have a wonderful break, in whatever form it takes, and enjoy the great weather and some down time. Happy Easter and we look forward to an action-packed Term Two at Mueller College. God Bless!

Todd Langford


Term 1 News