Can you recall the story of the old man who was walking along a beach as the tide was going out? He noticed the beach covered with starfish that had become stranded on the sand. As he kept walking, he observed a young boy, picking up starfish one at a time and throwing them back into the ocean. The old man said to the boy; “Why are you doing that? There are hundreds of starfishes stranded, you’re not going to make a difference”. The young boy picked up a starfish, threw it back into the ocean and said, “It made a difference for that one!”

As God has shown undeserving grace and mercy to us, so we should show them to those around us.

Earlier this year the Mueller community responded to that very calling in raising over $45,000 for the Leukaemia Foundation. We are excited to be presented with another opportunity to practice goodwill and generosity. This week is a very special week for the Mueller College community. It is the second running of our Beanies for Brain Cancer week. As we remember the life and legacy of much-loved student Asher Mashonganyika, who tragically passed away from brain cancer in 2019, we are hoping for another amazing response from Mueller families and students. Beanies are on sale all this week, and every dollar made from a purchase or donation going directly to the Mark Hughes Foundation. Money raised by this organisation, totalling over $18 million in the last 6 years, goes directly to research and treatment of this relatively unknown disease, in order to increase the survival rates of its sufferers.

Through the simple purchase a beanie, everyone can have the experience of giving to a cause greater than themselves. And in doing so, be reminded that each and every gift, as seemingly small or insignificant as it may seem, makes a huge difference to someone, somewhere.

Ben Stiller

Term 3 News