It has been fantastic to be able to get back to some sort of normality and to hold some of our traditional events on campus. Recently we have seen 2022 Subject Selection night, Year 4 Camp, Book Week celebrations and the Mueller Careers Expo. These events are a microcosm of the school in September – enjoying the moment but looking ahead and planning for what’s next.

In conversation about subjects and careers I am reminded that it is difficult for many school students to visualise the next step beyond school. With limited knowledge of available vocations and professions, let alone picking the one they would find fulfillment in. We are blessed at Mueller to have excellent staff and access to outside organisations such as universities and training organisations to inform the students in these choices. It is exciting to see our students who have dreams for their future having conversations at the careers expo with people who are already on this journey and to be inspired to chase after their own goals.

Teachers also hear the age-old question in class of “Why are we doing this, sir? We will never use this!” Everyone knows there is some learning that is undertaken at school that may not be used again. However, the habits and dispositions we learn at school are the critical factor in students achieving their goals, regardless of the field of endeavour. Students who learn to not to finish tasks, miss deadlines and pick and choose when they invest effort reduce their chances of being able to get where they want to go.

Looking ahead can be frustrating because we want to be there already! The Bible talks a lot about doing the work that is given to us, about looking ahead, and believing for what is coming. In the book of Zechariah there is a dream of building the temple and the encouragement is given spoken, ‘Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin’ (Zech 4:10). Our encouragement to the students is to enjoy and make the most of what they are doing now as the look to achieve their post-school dreams. Good luck with picking your subjects for 2022!

Todd Langford

Term 3 News