Welcome back to Term Two and I hope you were able to take some time to relax and enjoy the Easter break. It is lovely to enjoy some time away from school but exciting to hear the energy and buzz of all the students back on campus.

We finished last term on a high with our first Easter Mega Chapel since 2019. It was a powerful vision of the death and resurrection of Jesus, the focus of our celebration at Easter and foundation of our faith. I encourage you to check out the video on the school Facebook page which shows a snapshot of the drama, worship, and participants in the service.

The blessing we receive through the sacrifice of Jesus is incredible, as are the freedoms and life that we enjoy in Australia, which have been protected on the field of battle by our armed forces. Starting the term with ANZAC Day gives us the chance to pause again and reflect on the sacrifice of others for us. We are looking forward to gathering on Friday the 22nd of April to commemorate ANZAC Day and hearing from our special guest Warrant Officer II Aunty Lorraine Hatton, a long-term member of Australia’s military and a highly respected indigenous elder. Everyone is welcome to attend at 9:30am for the Secondary school service and 11:00am for the Primary school service.

We have a wonderful school community where we are free to meet together, learn, travel in relative safety and comfort, and to express our faith openly. It is good to pause and remember the sacrifices which have paid for these freedoms. In John 15:13 it says, “Greater love has no one than to lay down their life for another.” Whilst it seems, sadly, that there will always be conflict that will require brave people to defend our country, the sacrifice of Jesus has provided for us a freedom that will not diminish.

I hope that you have a wonderful Term Two and enjoy all that it has to offer.

Todd Langford

